sábado, 16 de agosto de 2014

Biology Handbook for the IB Diploma at ESBSP 2016

The handbook as ePub, good for iBooks and other ebook readers is available in the link bellow. Shall you don't have an ebook reader device and want the file in PDF, you may download it here as well:

Biology Handbook IB Diploma at ESBSP - ePub and iBooks
Biology Handbook IB Diploma at ESBSP - pdf

Biology EE Handbook IB Diploma at ESBSP Up to 2017 - pdf
Biology EE Handbook IB Diploma at ESBSP 2018 provisional - ePub and iBooks
Biology EE Handbook IB Diploma at ESBSP 2018 provisional - pdf

In the google drive, there is no need to navigate the files. Just ask to download in the top of the window button.

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